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Comentarios (5)

Fuerst - 11 Noviembre 07:58

Soy Bianca muy guapa y sexy sofisticada, educada y con clase , no estoy operada ni hormonada, mi feminidad es natural. love, tengo 20 cm realizo todo

KarlLee - 26 Septiembre 03:47

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Admin - 26 Septiembre 22:35

I have been blessed with room for two hands. This would be my dream, having two big titted women stroke me off till I spunked.

Niesha - 21 Noviembre 21:06

Can l borrow her

Carranzo - 15 Mayo 13:34

Actually, what it really boils down to is that your fantasies are yours and yours alone. Whatever they are, they are okay. (I personally love masturbating to rape fantasies). Your behavior however, must involve **consenting adults Minors, animals, the deceased, and those who are unable to give enthusiastic consent (passed out, drunk, drugged, ect all do NOT fall under that category. As long as you are within those boundries, no worries!

Rohan - 12 Noviembre 23:35

whore fuck you

Mance - 14 Diciembre 10:25

Hot body but damn are those teeth jacked